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About US

In October 2008, a group of 58 professionals within the greater Prince William County area met to discuss the potential of a local SHRM chapter. Our founding members recognized the urgency for a local human resources networking forum as corporate and individual migration westward continued from the Washington DC metropolitan area.  Prince William SHRM Inc. was formed as a non-profit corporation on May 11, 2009.


Enhance the capabilities of HR professionals who live and/or work in our community.


Become a recognized influential force in building strong HR competencies and developing talent within our profession to positively affect business trends in our community.


  • To provide a forum for the personal and professional development of our members;
  • To provide an opportunity to develop leadership, managerial, public speaking and group decision-making skills;
  • To provide an arena for the development of trust relationships where common problems can be discussed and deliberated;
  • To provide an opportunity to focus on current human resource management issues of importance to our members;
  • To provide valuable information gathering and dissemination channels;
  • To provide a pool of human resource management leaders for perpetuation of the Chapter;
  • To serve as an important vehicle for introducing human resource management professionals to SHRM;
  • To serve as a source of new members for SHRM, and to serve as part of the two-way channel of communications between SHRM and the individual members.