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HomeVolunteer Information
In order to successfully accomplish our goals and continue to deliver quality programs, we strongly encourage chapter members to volunteer.  Members have the opportunity to give back to the organization by holding a board position or volunteering on committees or special projects.

As a volunteer leader, you will gain new skills, become an integral part of your HR community, increase your career options, enhance your network, make new friends, hone your leadership skills…and much more. We welcome applications and inquiries from anyone who demonstrates leadership qualities and is committed to the mission of our chapter.

If you have additional questions after reviewing the volunteer information, please contact the chapter President at or President Elect at


We seek qualified candidates who have a passion for the HR profession, demonstrate leadership skills, possess excellent communication skills, and enjoy working as part of a collaborative team.

A commitment to Prince William SHRM and its mission, vision and organizational activities.

The ability to devote the necessary time and energy required for the specific leadership positions.

Demonstrate leadership qualities and the ability to motivate member volunteers with passion and optimism.

Collaborative and group skills, specifically with the ability to work as a team with other Prince William SHRM board members, and to build strategic relationships with others as necessary.

The ability to fully represent the Chapter to current and prospective members and sponsors, and to contribute to board/leadership discussions and decisions in a productive, attentive and respectful manner.

Willingness and ability to make a one-year commitment.

Membership in good standing with the chapter.

SHRM National membership in good standing for positions required to be SHRM National members.


Earn SHRM Professional Development and HRCI re-certification credits for each 1 year term:

5 SHRM Professional Development credits per year for serving as a SHRM Affiliate Leader.

3 SHRM Professional Development credits per year for serving as a Committe Member(Annual Employment Law & HR Summit or other Board committee).

10 HRCI credits per year for serving in an Officer position.

5 HRCI credits per year for serving as a Committee Chair (Annual Employment Law & HR Summit).

2.5 HRCI credits per year for serving as a Commitee member(Annual Employment Law & HR Summit or other Board committee).


$265 stipend for HR professional development, education, national SHRM dues, HR conferences and directly related HR conference expenses.

Prince William County Chamber of Commerce Paid Membership
«Access to membership benefits and discounts.
Paid travel, hotel, parking, and atendance fees at the HR Virginia Leadership Conference.
«Two nights hotel for current and incoming President.
One night hotel for all other Board members.

Additional benefits for serving as President or President-Elect.

President: $1500 stipend for HR professional development, education, national SHRM dues, HR conferences and directly related HR conference expenses (in addition to the $265 stipend).

President-Elect: $500 stipend for HR professional development, education, national SHRM dues, HR conferences and directly related HR conference expenses (in addition to the $265 stipend).

President-Elect: SHRM Volunteer Leader Business Meeting (VLBM)
Attendance, hotel, and parking fees paid in full.
15 SHRM PDCs are earned for attending.
This benefit is transferred to the attending Board member if the President Elect is unable to attend, as governed by national SHRM.  


Each fall we recruit for the upcoming year's board openings. 
Any chapter member may apply for consideration for a position except the position of President which is filled by the President-Elect incumbent.

«Community Relations
«Public Relations

See our Volunteer Position Descriptions for details on responsibilities and time commitments.

Members interested in joining for their first year in a particular Board/Committee position are required to submit a Chapter Volunteer Application.

Thank you for your consideration of giving back to the chapter and the community at large.